The process of liberalization of the gas and electricity markets is generating deep transformations in the management of companies that provide services into the sector.
In particular, the functional separation (unbundling) between the Distribution Company and the Sale of gas and electricity company, sanctioned by the Regulatory Authority for Energy, Networks and Environment (ARERA) with Resolution 296/2015/R/COM, implies the use of distinct and separate software solutions in the management of the respective services.
To support these changes, the @Utilities Distribution Platform and @Utilities Selling Platform solutions come into play, two software suites dedicated respectively to the Distribution and Sales Companies, able to ensure diversified and no longer compatible business models in a single system.
Both solutions have been developed as a modern and dynamic web platform, in fact no installation on the Clients is required as they are performed directly on the application server and on the DB Server. The system also allows you to navigate easily and intuitively according to the most common operating standards.
The possibility of having the InCloud and OnPremise solution for both platforms makes @Utilities scalable and adaptable to the needs of individual companies. The modular structure allows integration with third-party products through software connectors. @Utilities also integrates with other management systems such as: accounting, IT protocol (document management), applications on mobile devices.
The potential of @Utilities is guaranteed by the sectoral and twenty-year experience and professionalism of our team.
@Utilities selling platform
A highly specific suite built for the needs of gas distribution companies
With @Utilities Selling Platform it is possible to manage all the activities: from pre-contractualisation to contractualisation, from the acquisition of measures to invoicing, from collection management to management of arrears, giving particular emphasis to a dashboard that allows management to monitor both billing that cash flows.
DGS has also developed @UtilitiesCRM a tool totally integrated with the suite for managing all possible interactions between the agency and agents through specific functions, such as: administrator console, pre-contracting, monitoring, distribution of marketing processes throughout the territory, support to the determination of the commission.
Thanks to the @UtilitiesApp mobile application component, the platform allows companies to offer their customers a punctual, personal and two-way service, as well as the possibility of complete navigation of their contractual situation online.
Main features
Pre-contractualization – Contractualization
Acquisition of measures – Invoicing
Management of receipts – Management of arrears
Download the brochure
Modular suite
@Utilities Selling Platform consists of several modules for effective management of business processes
- Telephone through Call-Center
- Direct contact at the Company Desk
- On the territory through the sales force and order collection
- Subscribe online and via the website
- Management of commercial incentives to the sales force
- Management of the contract proposal
- Selection activities, formalization, credit scooring, welcome kit, activation of Redemption
- Switch management
- Functionality to support the “Customer Relations” office
- Functions to support the maintenance of the Final Customer Master Data Bank
- Functions to support the acquisition of measurements
- Checking the value of the acquired measurement with the “Measurement Validation” tool
- Functions to support the determination of Consumption
- Functions to support the Acquired Measurements
- Practice Management
- Practice Tables
- Attachments list
- Attachments for Practices
- Steps Practices
- Amounts profiles for Practices
- Switches
- Management of Additional Amounts
- Entries Amount
- Profile Items Amount
- Billing Calculation
- Billing Calculation Console
- LOG Billing Calculation Anomalies
- Calculation Processing Results
- Corrective List
- BONUS GAS management
- Distribution carrier invoices
- B0x streams | BRx
- Management of Admissibility Requests
- Management of Gas Bonus Monthly Quotas
- Municipal fee management
- Municipal fee import from vectoring flow
- Billing roles management
- Roles
- Credit Notes
- Invoice Flow for Master Data
- Invoices
- Association Contracts / Additional Amounts
- Convert SBF RID to Unpaid
- Update Invoice Data
- Credit Notes
- Extra invoices
- Invoice installment management
- Cash out
- Direct debit management
- SEPA Mandate
- Preparation Flow RID
- Import Outstanding Flow
- MAV management
- MAV pool management
- MAV flow preparation
- Import Flow Return
- Online Payment Management
- Import Flow
- Mail Payment Management
- TD896 import
- Treasury Service
- Compensations
- Complaints list
- New Complaint
- Refund requests
- Types of reimbursement
- Non-returnable invoices
- Analysis and Reports
- Morosi list
- Historical Summary Report
- Legal monitoring
- Account statement for Legal Representative
- Remind
- Massive Processing
- Remind
- Law them
- Practice Dashboards
- Practice list
- Operation Practices
- Document Types
- Solicited States
- Prints Communication
- AEEGSI Practice Lists
- Exclusion of GAS Contracts from Mass Processing
- Exclusion of E.E. Contracts by massive processing
- Reasons Exclusion
- Contracts
- Historical contracts analysis
- Contract Analysis
- Analysis of Contracts by Role
- Analysis of Contracts by Role – E.E.
- GAS consumption for REMI
- App Notifications
- Energy consumption by zone
- Dashboard Roles GAS and EE.LL.
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They trusted us because we guarantee continuity in database management with the recovery and migration of historical data and quick start-up times thanks to a preconfigured system
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