Advanced Threat Detection Intelligence (ATDI)

To reduce the attack surface and simplify the threat analysis processes, our experts study and identify new methodologies and technologies for identifying threats to protect the entire technological infrastructure.


Advanced Threat Detection Intelligence (ATDI)

The rapid acceleration of the digital age has brought incredible advances in the development and implementation of new technologies. However, as computer technology increases, the malicious software that threatens those same developments also improves and adapts.

Typical cyber defenses are often unable to provide comprehensive threat detection and, in some cases, are ineffective or slow to detect possible threats before they become a security risk. For this reason, simply blocking access to cyber attacks is no longer sufficient; a proactive approach to threat detection is required.

The Advanced Threat Detection Intelligence (ATDI) approach to advanced threat detection overcomes these limitations, providing detailed analysis and intelligence for executing rapid actions to extinguish threats before they can even attempt to damage the enterprise infrastructure.

This approach is based on a set of cybersecurity tools that use automated monitoring, sandboxing, behavioral analysis, and AI to identify advanced attacks, helping to protect corporate data where traditional cybersecurity functions-such as firewalls, antivirus, and intrusion prevention systems-might fail.

Sandboxing is the method of isolating corrupted or suspicious files and processing them without the risk of compromising other files in the infrastructure. After isolating the suspicious file, advanced threat detection analyzes its execution behavior, determines its risk to corporate security, and activates related countermeasures through integration with other security tools.

Automated monitoring, through Artificial Intelligence, on the other hand, ensures real-time surveillance of the network by providing constant and consistent monitoring for outliers and, flags any anomalies or potentially harmful behavioral patterns without the need for manual action.

In our ATDI CyLAB, DGS experts study and identify new methodologies and technologies to increase the ability to identify cyber threats, with the goal of:

  • Automatically detect targeted attacks;
  • perform comprehensive analysis on identified threats;
  • provide intelligence on attacks for activation of countermeasures;
  • reduce false positives in the identification phase;
  • improve threat detection capabilities;
  • improve productivity of operational security personnel.

ATDI lab results enable DGS to concretely support companies in implementing cutting-edge cybersecurity strategies that, by automating Security Operations Center (SOC) detection processes, reduce response time to a cyber attack.

Find out what other areas we operate in at our CyLABs, CLICK HERE.