center of

We cultivate artificial intelligence
fimly anchored to your reality
so that everyone can reap the benefits.

We guide our clients into the world of AI by offering consultancy, innovative solutions and training to fully exploit the potential of the best technologies.

Here are our multidisciplinary skills to accompany you on the adoption path  

During the Maturity Check and the Leveling and Framing phases, our professionals involve the correct interlocutors to shape the path to adopting the most effective artificial intelligence.

In all the steps of the “DGS factor AI Journey” we emphasize the centrality of the human and the importance of measuring the effectiveness of the implementation of artificial intelligence, using ad-hoc metrics to quantify the achievable value and monitor the success of uses homes.


Depending on the level of maturity of the organization, in the Leveling phase, and the use of particular AI technologies, we develop and provide ad hoc training courses. Continuous training is fundamental and allows each member of the organization to reap the benefits of the support that artificial intelligence brings.

Deepen some topics with us:

We develop projects starting from business needs, conceiving, designing and implementing projects that exploit the potential of AI.

We combine market-leading platforms with surprising, safe and reliable products and solutions.

Artificial Intelligence for ENGineering

Come visit us!

February 26, 2025

DGS participates in the AI* Festival in Milan

Industry 5.0: Innovation and Opportunities for SMEs

A&T – Automation & Testing

Richmond AI Business Forum

Industry 5.0: Artificial Intelligence, Sustainability and Human Capital in Transition


AI* Festival