DGS at the Sapienza Career Days in Rome!

When 30 Mag – 30 Mag 2024
Where Università La Sapienza di Roma

The activities of DGS for the research of young talents continue. One of the last appointments in the presence of the academic year is the Sapienza Career Days – STEM 2024.

If you are a student or newly graduated in STEM subjects who dreams of becoming part of a dynamic and stimulating environment, we invite you to join us in Città Universitaria.

What faculties are involved?

• Civil and industrial engineering

• Information Engineering, Informatics and Statistics

• Mathematical, physical and natural sciences

From 9.30 AM to 5 PM, at our stand, the DGS Talent Team is at your disposal, ready to listen to your story, discover your ambitions and receive your CV.

Come and meet us. We are waiting for you!