DGS invests in employee training with Babbel for Business

Since September 2022, DGS has entered into a partnership with Babbel for Business, making the world’s most popular language learning platform available to its employees!
Babbel for Business immediately convinced us as a tool, as it offers an easy, fun and, most importantly, comprehensive and effective learning experience.
Each employee, after applying for activation, can use their own personal Babbel for Business account to start learning up to 14 languages, including Italian.
The more than 10,000 hours of content are available for unlimited access and cover topics of both professional and practical and cultural interest.
The courses are divided into simple and short lessons, the content is specific and adaptable to the characteristics of the learner, an aspect that makes learning fast and long-term.
To conclude, the app is definitely user friendly and accessible from both desktop and mobile (Android, iOS).
Why we did it.
People are our added value and offering customized training paths, that allow them to grow by developing their skills, is one of the cornerstones of our Employer Value Proposition.
Babbel for Business allows us to make a very concrete contribution to the training of our employees, offering them, through the improvement of their language skills, opportunities for both personal and business development.
Therefore, this partnership is intended to be, on the one hand, a benefit, a gift, a thank you for our people who contribute every day with their commitment to the growth of our group; on the other hand, an investment in their future and, therefore, also in the future of DGS.